
Streaming & Content Creation Camp

Bedford, NH - July 5-8
Exeter, NH - July 5-8
Hanover, MA - August 15-19
Time: 9AM-12PM
Ages: 8-18
Cost: $180
Are you looking to become a content creator in esports? Then join us at Uptime Esports for a camp dedicated to helping you build your identity within the space. Learn how to build your brand, create your identity, take advantage of trends, and much more in our 5-day camp. Each day, players will be introduced to a new concept and lesson while also having time away from the computer in the AFK(Away From Keyboard) Turf Area. Where there will be team-building exercises, Jenga, and other fun activities.

When clicking the button below you will be brought to the US Camps website to complete your registration.

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